Having first worked in journalism and then NGO fields, I switched towards academic researcher and university professor roles. I am now engaged in researcher, reflexive citizen and author roles related to :
.a) The onward march of economic inequality and insecurities and of ecological vulnerabilities and other major ‘cascading crises’ (Biden, 2021) of the contemporary era.
.b) the spread of authoritarian culture and political practices amidst the erosion of even elementary notions of democracy or valuations of ‘the public’ as critical trends and structures of feeling of the zeitgeist .
c) the evolving and contradictory roles of mediated communication, especially in news media and journalism areas.
All of which point to the urgent need to support strategic moves to design and implement a Red-Green New Deal as key part of a progressive popular front advancing the public-interest in clearly defined steps and measures. This points towards a radical shift in political-economic paradigm, and progressive changes in many aspects of the prevailing institutional and technological regime.
So, still striving to be a lively-and-living observer, thinker, commentator and an aspiring ‘citizen of the world’, — especially the better kind of world that is tuned into the necessity and benefits of extending economic democracy and fighting back the onward march of neo-feudal authoritarianism, despotic power and oligarchic rule.